Frequently Asked Questions
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Pre-Purchase Questions:
What is the PhotoELF Return and Refund Policy?
What is the difference between the CD-ROM and the Downloaded Version?
How do I make a backup copy of the download?
If I purchase the download version, instead of the CD-ROM, what files do I need to back-up?
How do I restore PhotoELF if my computer ever crashes?
If I purchase PhotoELF, can I install it on more than one computer?
After Purchase Questions:
Where do I type in my Registration Number?
I purchased photoelf and all of a sudden, the Nag screen appears again!
I am getting a new computer to replace my old one. How do I get photoelf on it?
How do I restore photoelf if I didn't make a backup copy and my computer crashed?
PhotoELF Program Questions:
How to extract or download pictures from your Camera
Can't find your Desktop or My Documents Folder? Click Here
How do I upgrade to the latest version?
There is a long, long delay when I send a page to the Printer
I'm trying to print a 5 x 7 inch photo. Whenever I change the Height, the Width changes and I can't get exactly 5 x 7. What's going on?
What is a Pixel?
What is a Mega Pixel?
Inches versus Pixels - Cropping, Resizing and Printing Size
Can't get music to play in an Album?
How to E-Mail Pictures and Photos
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PhotoELF ™ All Rights Reserved. Big Lake, MN USA
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